Friday, February 19, 2010


Basta! is by far my favorite educational game that I ever played in high school, hands down. I suppose that the best way to describe it is as a (slightly altered) form of Spanish Scattergories. The game can be played indvidually or in groups of 3 or 4. The students are given a chart with a few topics, and a letter is assigned. The ticking timer then begins, as students race to fill in the adjective, verb, noun, vocabulary word (etc...) which starts with insert letter here. The first student/group to finish the chart must shout "Basta!" Pencils must be put down at this point, by all groups. The group which finished first now reads their answers outloud...if all of their answers are correct, they receive a point for this round. However, if one of the answers is incorrect, play resumes and another group has a chance to win that round. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Basta! makes a great review before tests. Also, it can be adapted to fit all levels...for example, conjugating verbs in present tense for Spanish 1 or into the subjunctive tense for Spanish 4.

As for my sample's very difficult to imagine a game of Basta! without knowing what my student's vocab words would be...I imagined that they were doing a lesson on food, but even then, I do not recall learning the word for "crunchy" while in high school Spanish. Consider this improvisation as need be....

Also, my chart is CROOKED because Blogger es un poquito estupido and wouldn't let me make a chart in Word and then copy/paste it in I had to design a chart in Paint...which is not quite my forte.

And finally, my chart is IMPOSSIBLE to click it, to make it larger =)

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